Sunday, May 19, 2013


In todays fast pace world, politics is a word seen with contempt. But it was not long ago that it was a profession of the pure hearted. In India we had politicians who were freedom fighters.

The degradation of politics is the worst thing that has afflicted the society. The growing criminalization of politics and nexus between politicians and bureaucrats is resulting in more downfalls and worsening of the economical, political and social scene of a country.

If my Dad was a politician, I would have supported him whole-heartedly in his good work.  He is a person who believes in simple living and high thinking. So he would have made sure that the work place is corrupt free and transparency is a rule and that ethics in governance is a virtue. Being a hard Task master he would have ensured efficient working of the bureaucrats under him. He likes files and other paraphernalia to be arranged, so the office filing system would be spick and span ensuring better service to the people. He is techsavvy so would have ensured better implementation of IT in day to day governance. He is a patient listener and a good advisor, with leadership qualities. Thus, he would have ensured grievance redressing mechanism of the people on the lines of ‘Janta Durbar’ (people’s court).

Politics in real sense gives power to the people. A good politician is a mere facilitator, while people work for their own betterment once the environment, which is conducive, is provided. Democracy is all about giving choice to people and my father as a politician would have ensured that people have various opportunities to choose from. I can say this because he has given these choices to family members.

We as a nation are made of people who are the greatest resource of the country. The politics of the day should strive for betterment of the human resource along with better infrastructure, growth and corruption free governance.

Change even if small is worth it, because individual efforts add up to great efforts. A good person and an honest work can inspire others to join politics, creating a ripple effect of positive change. My Dad would have been that inspiration!

This post is written for the Weekend Contest in association with Shoes of The Dead at

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Nanu was breathing steadily on the hospital bed. Oxygen mask was intact and the dialysis machine did its work at intervals! The monitors were constantly beeping giving an eerie feel to the whole ambience. What else could someone feel, besides?


Life and death

Saturday, May 11, 2013


History treads


Reading my lessons quietly
My mind went astray


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With the ever increasing pressures of daily living that are swiftly taking over your life, it is recommended that you take a step back once in a while, and remind yourself of the

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Sunday, May 5, 2013


This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 39; the thirty-ninth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. The theme for the month is "Break"