Thursday, April 4, 2019

(D) DREAMS (#AtoZChallenge)

We all dream! I am not talking about day-dreaming but dreams that we see when we are asleep.

During my pregnancy, I saw vivid dreams. Not that I didn't have dreams before, but they were few and far in between and most of the time I couldn't even recall it in the morning - only bits and pieces.

Now, dreams were frequent - almost every day I had one. I remembered everything clearly. After waking, I pondered over them. I tried to find connections. I started maintaining a dream journal. 

I wrote every dream in minute detail. I found a pattern - most of them were set in my grandparent's home where I have spent the majority of my childhood. Many times some college incident or events that took place more than 5-10 years earlier were superimposed in my grandparent's house. 

A lot of childhood memories were intertwined in those dreams. I wondered if it was due to the baby I was carrying? I read that unborn children spend most of the time sleeping and dreaming! 

Though, during the 3rd trimester, I am mostly having dreamless sleep (of course I must be dreaming but I do not remember them).

Was my baby's dream pattern compelling me to have dreams? 

Share your dream stories! Did you or your wife experience what I did?


  1. Now you've got me wondering if unborn children have dreams too! I enjoy a good dream and I often turn them into blog stories. Sometimes I wake knowing I've had a good'n, but I can't remember it! Dream on.

    My A-Z of Children's Stories

    1. Many have got inspiration from their dreams! Glad that you are one of them - dreams have novel ideas - so much so that sometimes our waking brain can not imagine those ideas.
      Thanks Keith :)

  2. Dreams are your hopes and fears dormant in the sub concious, is what I had read but unborn children dreaming takes it to a whole new level! Food for thought or dreams maybe :)

    1. True - dreams are a reflection of our sub-conscious. He he...Food for dreams - some studies have suggested that unborn children dream, more conclusive studies yet needs to be done!
      Thanks @magiceye :)

  3. Beautiful
    Question: Do You Dream In Color Or Black & White?


    1. I dream in color. But I never thought that people dream in black and white even! Do you?

  4. This is really interesting. I hardly had dreams during pregnancy mostly because I stayed awake half the night because of nausea and vomiting. But lo Ed reading this post.

    1. Oh! I understand. But I wonder how did you manage to compensate your sleep. Did you not sleep in the afternoon?

  5. Intriguing thought that unborn infants would have dreams. Would they be but feelings and sensations? Or would they be of things beyond our capacity to imagine? I have gotten many plot twists in my novels from my dreams. Thanks for visiting my blog. :-)

    1. Oh Wow! Dreams are inspirational. Glad to know that dreams have given innovative things to write about in your novel.
      Research regarding the dreams of an unborn child is still inconclusive. There could be many possibilities as you have pointed out!
      Thanks Roland 🙂

  6. Don't know about pregnancy dreaming, but yeah, I always have vivid dreams. Sometimes known places and people, but mostly known people at places I've never been to in real life. A lot of these places are recurrent in my dreams. So don't know what to say. One theory says it could be past lives.

    Anyway, find my E post @ Microwave Eggless Chocolate Cake Recipe | How To Make Eggless Chocolate Cake in Microwave

    1. Hi Chicky,
      I have also read about dreams being influenced by past lives!
      Thanks for reading!

  7. Very interesting. You dreams do make sense in perspective.By the way, I get too many scary dreams. Menopausal blues :D

    1. Thanks Sunita ji for visiting and sharing your thoughts!
      I guess in every phase of life, we will have different dreams...
