Friday, April 26, 2019

(V) VALUES (#AtoZChallenge 2019)

I often wonder how people become what they become? Do genes define our traits? Does our upbringing shape us? Or is it a mix of the two?

I notice and read about people doing wrong to others even if they themselves were not a victim. At other times people who have been victimized become the champions of removing the cause of suffering from society. While there is a third category who prefer inaction and accept their fates. 

What governs us? Are we destined to do what we do?! Or is it due to the values we have imbibed in our growing years?

I am not sure what the right answer is, but I believe that values play a huge role. 

Regarding my personal belief system and values - nothing was explicitly taught to me ever. I inculcated the traits and characteristics through sheer observation of my family members, teachers and friends.

For instance, my maternal grandfather was deeply spiritual. His actions and words exuded universal values, I try to follow his path even today. In contrast, my maternal grandmother was religious. Whereas I am both religious and spiritual. 

My father is a  man of few spoken words and serious towards his work. My mother is a carefree soul who tries to have a work-life balance interspersed with fun. My personality has both their traits. I am serious when needed but also steal my moments of fun and frolic now and then.

My value system, ethics and traits have been assimilated from what I observed around me.

Action speaks louder than words - Children learn what they see their parents do! 

Leading by example is the best way! I hope to do the same. I wish as a family we create an environment for my little kid so that she learns the best from all of us and has the ability to differentiate right from wrong and chose good over evil. 

What are your thoughts on this? What shapes us or defines our personal traits? 

(These AtoZ Challenge posts pertain to my thought process, physical and mental changes, stress levels & mechanisms to cope, perspective, journey and experience as a first-time mother who has yet not delivered her baby.)


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  1. A lot of values are transmitted through stories - which is why I feel a responsibility as a storyteller to examine what the values are in my tales :)

    The Multicolored Diary

    1. I completely agree. That is why folk tales are so integral to many cultures!

  2. Values are passing from family to children I think...

  3. Indeed it is our values that shape our character. My husband and I are quite different in our thoughts and perspectives towards life. But we have grown up with similar values. That's why the basic foundation stays the same.

    1. Wow Sonia! Same with me and my husband. Values help us unite in a cordial relationship.

  4. Those of us who grew up with a family well-grounded in values that serve them and others around them are fortunate indeed. It allows a ballast or a stability in an uncertain world. Thanks Kislaya ..

    1. True Susan. Thanks for reading ๐Ÿ˜Š
      Family is so crucial in our lives...

  5. Exactly. children learn by example. They do what they see their parents do. Parenting is an extremely responsible job, I feel. Because every moment, you have to challenge your fears, be strong, fight one more time... all so that your kids acquire the same strength of character.
    Find my W post @ 14 Water-Rich Vegetables That Help You Stay Hydrated in Summers

    1. You are that I am going to be a mother I realise that Parenting is extremely responsible job and the foundation of our future.
      Thanks for reading!

  6. They say values are caught and not taught - most of the time we learn from imitating our elders and we are influenced by their behavior. If we have to train our kids to imbibe certain values - we need to walk the talk, cause that's the way children pick up easily by observing our lives.

  7. Kislaya,

    A child will imitate what he/she sees for sure but there will come a point when the child grows that he/she will see other things in which he/she will pick up that goes totally against what the parent teaches. Hopefully, he/she will come out ahead of any bad influences allowing the light to shine forth in them.

    A2Z Little Mermaid art sketch 'Vanessa'

  8. Actions speak louder than words rather they scream loudly. Child learn more by example rather than just preaching. A child comes into the world governed by his destiny but genes and upbringing matter a lot. it is a combination of all factors.
    An interesting topic to read, Kislaya.
