Sunday, April 28, 2019

(X) XYST (AtoZChallenge 2019)

I have been e(x)uberant throughout the challenge. My blog was dormant for some time and AtoZ helped me channelize my revived enthusiasm by writing, reading and sharing. 

As we near the end of this challenge, e(x)haustion has taken over and I just want to relax. My labor pain may start any time soon and I am scared and e(x)cited at the same time. 
Xyst (in ancient Greek and Roman architecture) means a covered portico, as a promenade 
or; (in an ancient Roman villa) means a garden walk covered with trees.


My journey overall has been pleasant like strolling on xyst, with full awareness. 
Green, lush trees that line the promenade offers shade, support, and comfort. 
It soothes me. Cool breeze brush my hair gently. 
I am very tranquil, at total peace with my serene surroundings and circumstances. 
As I approach the end of the xyst, I want to just sit under one huge tree and observe the world passively. 
I want to soak in the silence before the chirping of the bird welcomes new dawn - the dawn of delight and jubilance!

['Stroll on Xyst' is a metaphor to depict what I feel right now. Soon I will be an involved mother and I might not have the kind of time I have right now until the baby is big enough to spare me some free time 😊]

How do you unwind? Does strolling offer you tranquility? Or share any other thoughts that you might have!

(These AtoZ Challenge posts pertain to my thought process, physical and mental changes, stress levels & mechanisms to cope, perspective, journey and experience as a first-time mother who has yet not delivered her baby.)


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  1. what a clever word Kislaya! That xyst sounds sublime! Strolling is wonderful - and something I used to do often with baby in one of those baby holders so that baby was against my chest and I was arms free - bliss! Take it easy now in your last stretch!

    1. What a wonderful experience you have shared with me Susan! Baby bliss!! πŸ’•
      Thanks for your kind words 😊

  2. Firstly, congratulations for doing so well in this challenge. You have written some amazing posts, engaged with so many people and I have personally loved knowing you through this challenge. I know how busy are going to be very soon. So enjoy this xyst to the maximum.

    1. Thanks Sonia for appreciating!
      You have yourself shared wonderful personal tales through well written posts and it was great knowing about you, Sr. T and Tuneer.

  3. What a lovely stroll through some of your most e(x)cellent "X" words. I'm glad you got to participate in the challenge this year, and now as it nears its end, you have another lovely journey ahead of you. Enjoy!

    1. Thanks Deborah for being a part of my journey and taking the time to read!

  4. Good luck on this new phase! Sleep while you can!

    1. Ha..ha... Thanks Noor, and yes I am sleeping like I have never slept before 😊

  5. How I would love to walk through a Xyst. Strolling rarely soothes me. I prefer a quick walk that energizes my body. I like this poem so much and I like the painting.
    You made me recall how afraid I felt before I had my child. It all went well and it will go well for you.

    1. Thanks Myrna for sharing your experience. I am glad to hear your kind words...I have kept my fingers crossed.

  6. That is some metaphor. This AtoZ journey has been like a stroll through a xyst, with all the other participants standing alongside and cheering us on, supporting us.
    It was good to connect with you this year. Hope to stay in touch. And all the best for your new journey in life! :)
    Find my Y post @ Happiness Begins With You | Start Putting Yourself First To Live Happier

    1. You judged it correctly Chicky! The trees were metaphor for family, friends and fellow bloggers. I am glad you were one of them.

  7. Kislaya,

    I think a tree lined drive where the branches create a xyst would be lovely. :) What I find is a good way to unwind is take a drive through the mountains with DH! The views are so tranquil and relaxing. The peaceful atmosphere serves charge my senses and spirit. :)

    A2Z Little Mermaid Art Sketch 'Xylophone Player'

    1. A drive through the mountain sounds lovely Cathy! Nature always comforts us and gives us peace and tranquility.
